Change Order Request, Contract W20028C01, Western Milwaukee Phase 2B Levee and Floodwall, Restore the Executive Director’s Original Delegated Authority, and Approve Changes in Total Project Cost
RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that the Executive Director is authorized to execute a change order to Contract W20028C01, Western Milwaukee Phase 2B Levee and Floodwall, with Super Excavators, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $174,796, and that the Executive Director’s original delegated authority is restored.
FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage Commission, that the total project cost for Project W20028, Western Milwaukee Phase 2B, is increased by $174,796 for an amended total project cost of $59,619,796, and that a corresponding change is made to the total project cost for Project M99001, Allowance for Cost and Schedule Changes.